Hello and welcome to my very first blog post :) First of all, its is lovely to meet you! Second of all... .what's with all the RAIN?!!
That could be my English summer battle cry to be honest - but we were doing so well until today. The really sad part is that it is the company summer picnic today and it has all gone pear shaped (and not in a 'look at that fabulous booty' kind of a way!). Bad. Times.
So, to get started, and to get my blog off to a start, I have decided to write my post and share the beautiful gorgeousness my July paycheck is going to be buying me.
Triad and True Dress - HOW CUTE is this dress? It remind me of an ice cream. I absolutely love this and I don't care how much it rains - I will be ordering one ASAP!
Ice Cream Social Butterfly Wedge - Being a not so spectacular five feet two, I LOVE me some heels and how glorious are these? Serious gorgeous colour and some major height. My boyfriend Mark is six foot two and these will actually get me within kissing distance without giving him back pains! Yay for fashion... helping everyone feel better ;)
Marc Jacobs Daisy Eau So Fresh Eau De Toilette - My go-to summer scent (and spring, and autumn if we are honest. I love this fragrance!) So many perfumes remind me painfully of my gran. Not on other people - they smell great on other people! For some reason (I am sure there is something scientific) a lot of perfumes smell exactly like each other as soon as they touch my skin - and not in a good way. This one smells divine! Hooray!
Revlon ColorBurstâ„¢ Lip Butter - Sticky gloss and heavy lipstick - nooo! I buy so very many lipsticks and glosses for the colour and they sit at the bottom of the draw sad and unused because I can't stand the texture. I will do a separate post on these beauties because I LOVE them.
Bobbi Brown Nude Eyeshadow Palette for Spring 2014 Musings of a Muse - I actually already bought this one and had to go to Ebay to do it as they seem to have discontinued it - in the UK at least. Noooo! This is what happens when you don't buy the things you covet immediately. Sob. But it is (hopefully) winging its way toward me as I type this. Fingers crossed. If it shows up I will attempt a tutorial (if I can fathom out the photo thing on here!)
Rain be damned - I WILL have sunshine in my life, if only in the form of gorgeous summery beauties like these!